“Miley Cyrus’ Saturday Night Live Premiere Takes Viewers on an Entertaining Emotional Ride”

During the premiere episode of Saturday Night Live, Miley Cyrus showcased a different side of her usual fearless and flamboyant personality by delivering an emotional performance that left everyone surprised. Accompanied only by a piano, she performed The Twinkle Song with great power and emotion as she poured her heart and soul into the lyrics. The frustration in her voice was evident as she continued to ponder over the lyrics, eventually leading to her breaking down in tears during her performance.

Sad: Miley got emotional while performing during the Saturday Night Live season premiere as she served as both host and musical guest

Miley Cyrus put on an emotional performance during the season premiere of Saturday Night Live that left many viewers moved. The singer-songwriter served as both the host and musical guest, starting with a song that included a dream sequence featuring David Bowie as her skateboarding instructor. As the song went on, Miley found it hard to hold back her emotions, struggling to deliver the final verse without tears in her eyes. Despite her best efforts, Miley ultimately broke down at the emotional line “But I wasn’t scared ’cause you were there.” To keep up to date with all things Miley Cyrus, including her hosting gig on SNL, stay tuned.

Emotional: The stunning singer began crying while performing new track The Twinkle Song

As the 22-year-old musician played her latest composition, The Twinkle Song, she was overwhelmed with emotion and tears started streaming down her face.

Aww: She turned up the waterworks as she let fans see a more vulnerable side of herself

Aww: She turned up the waterworks as she let fans see a more vulnerable side of herself

Oh dear, her eyes were filled with tears as she shared a part of herself that she usually kept guarded with those who supported her.

Interesting look: She rocked a really long blonde wig that covered the top of her piano Rapunzel-style, as photos of her dead pets were featured atop the instrument

It was quite an intriguing sight to witness: she had donned a lengthy blonde wig that hung like the locks of Rapunzel, concealing the upper part of her piano. As I examined it more closely, I noticed that photos of her departed pets were carefully arranged on top of the piano.

Crescendo: The Wrecking Ball hitmaker's voice began to crack as she sang higher and more emotionally toward the end of the track

As the final notes of “Wrecking Ball” approached, the gifted singer’s vocal chords began to quiver with raw emotion, building up to a breathtaking crescendo.

Teary-eyed: At the end of her performance she pointed out the framed photos of her animals

At the end of her performance, Miley Cyrus was seen wiping tears from her eyes while pointing towards the pictures of her beloved pets. Despite her overwhelming emotions, she continued singing her heartfelt lyrics, “I had a dream we took karate – it’s when you said you loved me, you loved me.” She finished the song with a powerful piano flourish, her face streaked with tears but still radiant under the spotlight. As the host of the show, Miley stayed true to her eccentric style and began the evening with a quirky monologue, wearing an outfit adorned with artificial flowers. Her first song was equally daring, with a barely-there floral outfit that covered only her nipples and crotch, and hair extensions that cascaded down to her knees.

 Going for it: She rocked another interesting look during her first musical performance of the night

She bravely ventured out and opted to try something new by displaying a stunningly different appearance for her initial musical performance of the night.

A hairy situation: She rocked an intricate long blonde wig with braids and items all over it as she performed Karen Don't Be Sad

It was truly captivating to witness her donning an intricate lengthy blond wig adorned with braids and other decorations while performing Karen Don’t Be Sad.

Revealing: In typical Miley fashion, she showcased plenty of skin as she appeared to only have flowers and other plantlife on her body

Miley Cyrus has once again delighted fans with her unique and iconic style, this time accessorizing herself with flowers and plants during a live performance of her song “Karen Don’t Be Sad”. The performance was introduced by Hillary Clinton, and Miley’s band, the Flaming Lips, changed their name to Miley’s Dead Petz for the evening, wearing animal costumes. Miley herself wore a daring outfit made of flowers, which left little to the imagination and had artificial hair flowing down to her knees. After performing another emotional song, lead singer Wayne Coyne raised his hand in victory and hugged Miley. This performance was different from others where fans may have seen a wilder side of their favorite stars through various sketches. During this show, Miley dressed in regular business attire, playing the role of a conservative politician’s wife. She joked about her wild reputation, saying that her parents knew her whereabouts for at least 90 minutes during the live show.

Flower power: Miley came out for the opening monologue in an interesting flower dress and headpiece

Miley Cyrus stole the show with her stunning appearance in the opening monologue. She was dressed in a unique outfit that included a beautiful floral dress and a matching headpiece, which added to her overall blooming and vibrant vibes.

She did it her way: The former Hannah Montana star sung Frank Sinatra's My Way as they paid tribute to all the people that will never be heard from after the summer

Miley Cyrus put her own spin on the classic song “My Way” by Frank Sinatra as a tribute to those whose voices may not be heard in the future. The former Hannah Montana star added her personal touch to the performance.

Altogether now: The cast of characters joined the blonde on stage as she finished the song

Following the blonde’s performance, a cluster of entertainers assembled on the platform.

Shocking: In the first real sketch of the night it was a sock hop dance, ala Grease, as Miley rapped her verse as she twerked on the school jock

Surprisingly, the performance started with a fun-filled throwback sock hop routine that reminded the audience of the movie Grease. Miley Cyrus took the lead as she rapped a verse and flaunted her incredible twerking skills on the school’s most popular jock.

Tasty: She proceeded to put whipped cream on his face and lick it off

Delicious: She spontaneously squirted some whipped cream onto his face and playfully licked it off as a form of entertainment.

Riding off: The two hopped on a pinata and made their way off screen to end the sketch

At the end of their performance, the two actors rode a pinata off the stage. Miley Cyrus made a joke about her past drug use and how it affects her timing. Instead of giving a comedic monologue, she sang a more serious version of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.” The SNL cast added humor to the sketch by portraying people who made news over the summer, such as Rachel Dolezal, Cecil the Lion’s dentist, Meek Mill and Drake during their feud. They also referenced events like Lenny Kravitz’s wardrobe malfunction, Ariana Grande’s donut-licking scandal, Kim Davis’ hug with the Pope, and Jared Fogle from Subway. At the end of the skit, Bobby Moynihan transformed into Josh Duggar.

Ladies night: She starred in a skit featuring a girl's night out at Katz Deli, made famous by the orgasm scene in iconic romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally

Her sketch was centered around an evening spent with her female friends, situated in Katz Deli, renowned for its unforgettable moment in the classic romantic comedy “When Harry Met Sally.” The show was an entertaining spectacle that kept the audience laughing and applauding throughout.

O-face: Miley did her best fake orgasm impression

Miley Cyrus showcased her comedic skills by mimicking a fake orgasm and portraying her signature facial expression during the act.

Joining in on the fun: Cecily Strong and Leslie Jones followed suit

Joining in on the fun: Cecily Strong and Leslie Jones followed suit

On Saturday Night Live, Miley Cyrus entertained the audience with a humorous skit that featured Cecily Strong and Leslie Jones. In the sketch, Miley played the role of a seductive blonde attending a homecoming dance in the 1950s. Instead of singing soft, innocent songs, Miley chose to rap hardcore lyrics which surprised her peers. She even danced around suggestively. The skit ended with Miley smearing cream on her date’s face before licking it off and wheeling off stage. During the performance, one of the actors referred to Miley’s past as Hannah Montana and asked if she was from Montana.

Girl talk: Hillary Clinton appeared in a sketch as a bartender named Val with Kate McKinnon, who was playing her

In a recent comedic spoof, Hillary Clinton displayed her acting skills by portraying the role of a bartender named Val. The skit also featured Kate McKinnon, who played the character of Clinton in the parody.

Taking it in stride: Hillary showed her lighter side as she did a Donald Trump impression and even joined Kate as they sung Lean On Me together

Hillary Clinton demonstrated a different side of her character that was more carefree and at ease by imitating some of Donald Trump’s behaviours and collaborating with Kate to sing Lean On Me. She savoured the occasion and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Trump card: The cold open featured Donald Trump, played by Taran Killam, and his wife Melania Knauss Trump played by Cecily Strong

The opening scene showcased Taran Killam’s portrayal of Donald Trump while Cecily Strong played his wife, Melania Knauss Trump.

My how you've aged! Miley played presidential hopeful Jim Gilmore's wife in an anti-depressant commerical

Wow, you look so different now! Miley Cyrus starred as Jim Gilmore’s partner in a commercial advocating for anti-depressants during his run for presidency.

Whoops: She parodied his wife Roxane Gatling Gilmore who didn't seem too sure of her husband's chances

Uh-oh! Miley Cyrus is in hot water for her recent performance where she made fun of Roxane Gatling Gilmore, the wife of presidential candidate Jim Gilmore. Some people have criticized Miley’s portrayal of Gilmore as outdated since Gilmore hasn’t lived in Montana for a while now and has a different public persona. During the skit, Miley wore a gray wig and skirt suit to imitate Gilmore, who was mocked for believing her husband could become the next President. The skit was presented as an advertisement for Abilify, a dementia medication that was prescribed to a small number of people.

Millennial Miley: She rocked a purple wig with a light blue streak for a sketch called The Millennials 

Miley, who belongs to the millennial generation, impressed the audience with her performance in a hilarious sketch titled The Millennials. She looked amazing wearing a vibrant purple wig with a touch of light blue that enhanced her appearance.

Shocked: She was joined by Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon in the sketch

I was taken by surprise to witness the appearance of Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon in the comedic skit.

Chat show: In one of the last sketches of the evening Leslie Jones pretended to be the first black female late night TV host back in the 1950s

During a recent airing of a late-night talk show, actress and comedian Leslie Jones delivered a side-splitting sketch portraying the first-ever African-American woman to host a late-night television program in the 1950s. The comedic skit was one of the final segments of the show, leaving the audience laughing and entertained.

Sweet: In the sketch Miley portrayed old school actress Hayley Mills

Miley Cyrus recently showcased her acting abilities by portraying different characters in various sketches. One of these sketches showed her playing a conceited young adult in a series called The Millennials, where everyone seemed more interested in their phones than genuine face-to-face communication. In another sketch, she joined a group of women who recreated Meg Ryan’s memorable orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally at Katz’s Deli in New York. She also portrayed the famous Hayley Mills in a segment where Leslie Jones played the role of the first black female late-night TV host in the 1950s, who was cut off before delivering a rant about white people. Moreover, Miley appeared in a humorous advertisement that emphasized not everyone is capable of becoming President.

Home video: The last clip of the night featured a wedding between Miley and Kyle Mooney

The final part of the evening showcased Miley and Kyle Mooney’s nuptial celebration, captured on their personal video camera.

Awkward: The wedding gets busted up by two of Kyle's friends

Kyle’s wedding was marred by the boisterous conduct of his two companions.

Having a ball: In the sketch, it was established that Miley is a time traveler as she is shown playing in a ball pit

Miley was having a blast during the skit as it was disclosed that she possessed the power to travel through time. She was caught being thrilled in a pit full of diverse and colorful balls.

Sad times: The end of the sketch features an older actress with blonde dreadlocks posing as Miley at Kyle's funeral

In the skit, a seasoned actress with blonde dreadlocks portrays Miley during Kyle’s funeral, creating a somber atmosphere. The skit ends on a mournful note.

Fin: Miley thanked her Dead Petz band but failed to thank the cast at the end of the night

After her performance, Miley Cyrus failed to acknowledge the cast and crew and only thanked her Dead Petz band. One of the skits was particularly strange as it showed Miley and Kyle Mooney getting married in an office. However, Kyle leaves quickly and seeks help from his friends, despite appearing to match well with Miley and wanting to give money to her friends. Throughout various points in time, the skit fast-forwards, showing Miley delivering a baby boy named ‘Six Flags’ while dressed in hospital scrubs, followed by the teenage boy seeking advice on girls. Finally, the skit jumps to the funeral of ‘Six Flags,’ where an elderly actress with dreadlocks impersonates Miley.

Sheer daring: Even off-camera, Miley aimed to shock as she arrived at the SNL afterparty

Miley Cyrus never fails to amaze her fans with her bold attitude, whether it’s in real life or on camera. The gifted artist was a sight to behold at the SNL afterparty, leaving everyone taken aback by her unexpected appearance.

Showing off: She wore a very interesting outfit consisting of a see-through top with a sunflower design which covered her breasts

Showing off: She wore a very interesting outfit consisting of a see-through top with a sunflower design which covered her breasts

She was dressed in a captivating attire that included a sheer top adorned with a stunning sunflower pattern, craftily concealing her bosom.

Svelte: She showed off her very impressive figure in the sequined black pencil mini skirt, with shimmering pantyhouse and black leather heels

Her appearance was stunning and she seemed to be in great shape, flaunting her admirable physique in a remarkable black sequin pencil skirt. To enhance the outfit, she paired it with glossy tights and stylish black leather high heels.

Colourful character: She had a big yellow bow on her had complete with pink, blue and blonde extensions

Radiating vivaciousness, she proudly displays a large yellow bow atop her head adorned with a mixture of blonde, pink, and blue hair extensions, exuding an effervescent and opulent vibe.

Showing off: She was scantily clad as she celebrated a successful hosting gig

She confidently flaunted her figure in an audacious outfit, reveling in the success of her position as a host.

Getting glamed up: Miley shared this photo from backstage at the event

Miley Cyrus recently took a snapshot of herself while in full glam backstage, before her scheduled appearance.

'Quick a$$ wig change $elfie': The Party In The USA hitmaker also shared this photo of herself getting her wig put on for the Millennials sketch

Miley Cyrus shared a photo on her social media account where she was seen getting ready for the Millennials skit. The caption of the picture read ‘Speedy wig adjustment selfie’ indicating that she was fixing her wig. She appeared to be enjoying herself during the process.

Showing their support: Miley also shared this selfie as she was joined by pals Precious Davis (left) and drag queen Vivacious (middle)

Miley Cyrus showed her support by posting a selfie on her social media platform. In the photo, she was accompanied by Precious Davis and Vivacious, a stunning drag queen, who are both close to her.

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